
We fostered him at 10 months old in November 2018. He befriended his foster brother and was tolerated by the boss cat. After losing my boy not long after his arrival he became bonded with my other cat and helped him with his grief. He helped bring fun to our house with his personality and his sweet nature, he now is named Oberon and is very spoilt and loved.
Cassie Devney

Al and Bino

My two foster fails, the love they have for each other is beyond!
Emma Jane

Bonnie, Elke, Rosie, Scruffy and Obi

Over the years, my family has adopted 5 dogs from PAWS (when it was under the banner of the RSPCA). I found the adoption officers to be very friendly and helpful and a pleasure to deal with. The animals we have adopted are my heart and soul. They have performed nursing home visits and trained in obedience and dog agility and are current used as school dogs in my agility business.
Leah Tedman


I fell in love my foster fail the minute I saw him. Benji had all most no teeth, needed a haircut and someone to love him.
Now he is very spoiled and a part of the family. We had him now for 4 years and he is 12 years old.
Sue Ellen Thompson


A few words about foster failing Bella in 2013… We had been fostering dogs for a while in the hopes of finding a permanent friend for our other dog Gus. He didn’t seem fussed over a single dog until Bella. Bella was about to be transferred to Brisbane but one look at her pic and we were in love. She came to stay with us and had obviously had been horrendously mistreated. It took a lot of patience and love to get her to trust us. Two adoption days went past in the process and each one I crossed my fingers nobody would want her as I hadn’t talked my husband into adopting her yet. Finally he admitted one night that he didn’t trust that anyone else would put the amount of effort in to gaining her trust that we had and Gus got along so well with her, so that was that! Bella was ours. She is now living her best life with regular trips out to the family farm, to the beach, and camping, and I thank my lucky stars every day we found our perfect match for Gus and our family. She actually failed her assessment with children and was advised not to go to a family with kids. But we worked closely with her before our babies came along and she is so, so patient and gentle with them!
Kristy Pickles


Hi all, quick up date on Priscilla, she is now one year old. The transition was very interesting as she was very timid and suffered anxiety very badly and would cry and howl like a little baby if she was left alone. We have a family of four and were very patient with her as she only needed love and to build up her confidence. As we only leave her very short times, she is fine now and loves her yard. Priscilla has a beautiful fun personality, she growls and talks a lot which gives us many funny moments. She has grown into a very protective, gentle giant and her strength is unbelievable. We could not be happier with our new family member, she is awesome and very loved . She loves her daily walks, and the occasional run. She sleeps in our bedroom on her own mattress on the floor, we feel very safe. Huge thanks to the Gladstone RSPCA (now Gladstone PAWS) for the great work and giving us the opportunity to have the lovely Priscilla in our family .
Priscilla’s Mum x


Dixie is now a fully qualified assistance dog and comes to uni and work with me. She has been nicknamed the “lab mascot” and has full safety gear. Dixie and I received the Ku-ring-gia K9 (KK9) award and Ku-ring-gia K9 encouragement award. The KK9 award is the equivalent of a doggy good citizen test, Dixie had to pass tests for sit, stay, come (short and long distance), a friendliness test, and walking through a high distraction crowd. Dixie is doing really well and seems to be very happy at her new home with me.


I began looking for a rescue dog for my dad last year after my childhood cat passed away. Unfortunately due to him working shift work we were never quite quick enough on the draw and every dog that we loved was adopted before we could get in. In the end Nicole had a little boy named Toby come in and knew he’d be perfect for my dad. She was able to hold him for me as I was out of town for a day and dad was working, when I got back I took him to meet my dad and we knew instantly he was the one. 10 months later and he is still the best little guy ever. I’m probably more excited to visit home for Toby than to see my dad!
Mellissa Pitt


We were desperate to find a black Labrador after the passing of our beloved pet. After scouring the website, we found Hollie. Enquiries were made and the volunteers were most helpful in getting her from Gladstone to Melbourne. They made all the checks to make sure we were a suitable family to house Hollie. She fits in perfectly with her adopted family. We love her immensely. She loves her walks, sleeps a lot and is loving the sunshine.
Lindsay and Margaret