What’s involved in being a foster carer?

Foster carers are absolutely vital in our group. As a foster carer you will be able to give the animals waiting for their new families shelter, care and most importantly, love.
All veterinary expenses will be taken care of by Gladstone PAWS and where possible we will also provide essentials for the animals.

Financial membership is optional for our foster carers. However, if you would like an annual membership, a fee of $25 is applicable. This fee is to help cover your public liability insurance costs and assists us in keeping a list of members. As a financial member you will also have voting rights and are able to attend meetings

If you would like to be a foster carer, please fill out the form below or download the membership form at the link below.

Please complete all shown questions

Please fill out any questions that appear in the form. This will enable us to process your membership/foster application faster. Thank you for joining and for your help!
Please check all that apply
Please check all that apply
Price: $ 30.00

An annual membership fee of $30 is applicable to anyone wanting a financial membership. This fee is to help cover your public liability insurance costs and assists us in keeping a list of members. As a financial member you will also have voting rights and are able to attend meetings.

Payments can be made via direct debit to Account Name: Gladstone PAWS, BSB: 124 001 (BOQ), Account No: 2296 7869, Reference: Membership

Your membership will be processed once payment has been received.

We use our Facebook groups as a way to provide support to our Foster carers and communicate new fosters, upcoming events and fundraisers.
Please supply your name (if different from above) that you use on Facebook so that we can add you to our groups.
Junior members that are aged between 16 and 18 years of age. These junior members will have a non-voting status until the age of 18 years.


Foster Parent Information

E.g. I work from home so I am there most of the time.
(note that little history may be known on these animals including vaccination or medical history)

Dog Foster Carers

Please select all that apply

Cat Foster Carers

Please select all that apply

Other Animal Foster Carers

Please select all that apply

Foster Carers Agreement

I understand that the animals will remain the property of Gladstone PAWS whilst they are in foster care. All adoption enquiries are to be directed to the adoption line and animals are not to be adopted, sold or given away by me. I understand it is my responsibility to return these animals for desexing, adoption and other required events, and to notify Gladstone PAWS of any observed behavioural and/or medical concerns. I will not expect Gladstone PAWS to reimburse me for veterinary bills unless previously authorised by a Gladstone PAWS executive member on a case-by-case basis. I understand that at rare times a foster animal may need to be humanely euthanised due to medical or behavioural conditions deemed not viable for rehabilitation. I will not hold the Gladstone PAWS responsible for any damage, property or personal, the foster animal/s may produce. I will not expose the foster animal/s to unnecessary risks (dog parks, off leash areas or known aggressive animals). I have received and read the ‘Local information for Foster Carers’ and have filled out a Volunteer Application form. I have read the information sheet on Parvovirus Infection and I understand that although stringent measures are put in place to reduce the chances of infection, there is still some risk of receiving an animal that is infected. I understand that in support of these risk control measures, I am unable to foster animals from another animal rescue group whilst registered as a current member of Gladstone PAWS, unless specifically authorised by an executive team member. I understand that it is a local laws requirement for Gladstone residents to have their own dogs/cats registered with Gladstone Regional Council. I agree to notify Gladstone PAWS, in writing, if my contact details or situation changes, including decision to cease volunteering as a foster parent. Gladstone PAWS recommends that foster carers notify and seek the support of landlords, neighbours and/or housemates before submitting an application to become a foster parent for rescued pets.

Acceptance of Assistance

This Acceptance acknowledges you have volunteered your time and efforts to assist Gladstone PAWS. This Acceptance is made between Gladstone Paws and (volunteers name). Duties: You agree to carry out the duties as outlined in your role summary, and as agreed. Should you move into a new volunteering capacity this must be done with prior approval from a Management Committee Member or relevant coordinator. This is to ensure the health and safety of you as a Volunteer, and the welfare of animals are protected. Insurance: Gladstone PAWS will provide Public Liability insurance cover for all Volunteers. Membership fee: You understand that there is a small annual membership fee applicable for your registration as a volunteer with Gladstone PAWS. This assists us in keeping a list of current members and covers your insurances. Uniform: We have Gladstone PAWS uniform polos available to order at your own expense. We encourage volunteers to purchase a polo for participation in various fundraising and other events of the association. Visas: If you are on a visa, or/and have current visa related restrictions, you agree to adhere to these restrictions, and your visa guidelines as stated by the Department of Immigration Australia. Termination of Acceptance: This Acceptance may be terminated by either party, at any time and for any reason. It is requested that you give as much notice as possible prior to leaving your Volunteer role with Gladstone PAWS. This is primarily to assure Gladstone PAWS can plan appropriately as to Volunteer requirements in order to effectively operate. Policies: You agree to read and abide by all relevant policies and procedures. Gladstone PAWS accepts the assistance from you as a volunteer, subject to you agreeing to comply with the association’s objectives, code of conduct and instructions. Representation of the Gladstone PAWS and partners: As a representative of Gladstone PAWS, you agree to abide by policy on media and public contact, and to positively represent Gladstone PAWS and/or its positions/campaigns and corporate partners. You agree that the association’s acceptance of your offer of voluntary assistance does not and is not intended to create any relationship of agency or employment between yourself and the association (within the ordinary meaning of these terms or as defined by statute, and to the extent permitted by law). You must not hold yourself out as being authorised to exercise any responsibilities for or on behalf of Gladstone PAWS other than as provided by this arrangement. You acknowledge Gladstone PAWS will not make any payments to you in respect of your voluntary assistance. Tetanus Injection: It is a requirement that before handling animals you have an up to date tetanus vaccination. You must also understand that it is your responsibility to keep your tetanus vaccination current during your time volunteering with Gladstone PAWS. Conflict of Interest: Gladstone PAWS is a small community animal rescue network. You agree to avoid potential conflict of interest situations to the best of your ability and advise the management committee of any potential upcoming conflict/s in order to discuss a suitable course of action. Confidentiality: You agree to maintain confidentiality of all/any private and/or internal information made available to you as a volunteer of Gladstone PAWS. You must not share any unpublicised materials with other sources, during or after your involvement with the association. Pet Vaccinations: Please be advised that contact with our environment and our animals carries risk of contamination and disease spread to your personal pets, and it is therefore important to ensure they are up-to-date with all of their vaccinations. If you are not 100% sure, it is highly advised to check with your vet before commencing with us. The major diseases to be vaccinated against include Parvovirus & Kennel Cough (Canine); Cat Flu & Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). For further information, please consult your vet. Your Declaration: I understand and agree to the above, and I understand the following Workplace Health & Safety concerns & requirements (as discussed in more detail during recruitment/orientation training): • Importance of adhering to all information and advice given by Gladstone PAWS management committee and coordinators in regards to handling any animals. This is to insure the safety of all volunteers and animals, and to minimise the risk of spreading infection and the subsequent cross-contamination to other animals (including personal pets). • The implications of ‘Duty of Care’, and that I have a ‘Duty of Care’ to myself, my team mates, the animals I come into contact with, members of the public, and Gladstone PAWS in the way I conduct yourself. • The requirement to volunteer exclusively with Gladstone PAWS as an animal rescue organisation and advise the association of any and all potential situations where a conflict of interest may arise. • To notify Gladstone PAWS of any changes in my personal details, contact information or situations that may effect my ability to fulfil these conditions, including my desire to terminate my volunteer agreement with the association. • I also understand the importance of confidentiality within Gladstone PAWS and declaring of potential conflicts of interest. By signing below I am indicating my complete adherence to Gladstone PAWS confidentiality policies and procedures. • I understand that my annual membership (for ordinary members) affords me the right to attend and vote for members of the Management Committee at the Gladstone PAWS Annual General Meeting, held at the end of each year.
Tell us a little bit more about yourself, how you'd like to be involved or if you have any questions.

Please note:

  • A membership fee of $30 will only be applicable if you have selected the financial option
  • If you have dependent kids <18 who will be volunteering as well they can be added into the form and do not require a membership fee.